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Sunday, 31 August 2014

Production week!

This Wednesday and Thursday is the production! I'm really excited but also really nervous (since i have one of the lead rolls) i have to do a lot of speaking. 

The thing i'm looking forward to the most is the chair dance, because its super fun and really cheesy. I'm also looking forward to performing in front of hundreds of people. 

My Mum and Dad will be coming to watch me as well as my sister who is also in the production. I have organised to come at 6 o'clock on both nights so i can get prepared to perform and get my face paint done.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Elections and parliament

This week we have been learning about elections and parliament. I have learnt a lot of different facts about it that I didn't know before.
I learnt that elections are held every 3 years on a Saturday and that you have to be over 18 years old to vote. All New Zealand citizens and permanent residence can vote and most candidates belong to a party (e.g. John Key belongs to the National party). You also have to have over 5% of the vote to earn a seat in parliament. The word Parliament comes from the word 'parler' which means 'to talk'.
I have learnt loads of other stuff but I can't remember them right now ;P
What is 1 thing you have learnt about elections and parliament?

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Reading challenges

Every term we are given reading challenges to complete during the term. I have read 5 books this term and I have completed 3 challenges...
  • I have read a book set in space: Cress
  • I have read a book recommended by a family member: The fault in our stars
  • And I have read a book that I picked off my shelf without looking
I aim to have completed the challenge "read 3 books from the same series," since I have read 4 books from the "uglies" series but I have only read 2 of them this term and are planning to read the 5th book this term.

Monday, 11 August 2014


My favourite sport is Tumbling because its relly fun and you get to learn lots of new tricks. This term i have learned how to do a side ariel (no handed cartwheel) on the floor, how to do a backhandspring and roundoff backhandspring on the ground, a halftwist backflip on the tramp and a roundoff backtuck on the tumbletrack. Doing tumbling can also really help with your flexibility by bending alot while doing tricks, also when stretching.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Production preparation

This term we have been preparing for the production. I got one of the lead rolls as the cyborg and I will be performing on Wednesday.

The dances I'm in are tainted love, let it go and take a chance on me, I'm also in a bit of footloose. I think we are going quite well with the dances, but we haven't finished any of them yet. I have memorised most of my lines but I need a little more practise because sometimes I forget. I haven't worked on any props yet because I seem to be away every time we make them, I'm either at dance or guitar. I have finished helped making the band costumes, and they all fit perfectly.

I think I can help others prepare for the production by helping people with their lines.